Okay, maybe I am a bitch.
Well, who wouldn't be? Given you stumbled upon something like this:
ReMinIcInG d'daYz 0f "It's tiMe t0 be a BIG giRL n0w....
4:07pm Friday, Jan 18
here all al0ne in da c0rner 0f c0ffee sh0p, seeing pe0ple m0och ar0und
da sh0p and hearin evryb0dy's chatter while am tryin t0 write s0methin
0r just kiLLin da time... Heard m0st 0f them taLk ab0ut Life,Love,
Work.. Are th0se da biGgest MaJoR thinGs in LiFe??? Well, it seems t0 be
like dat in this 2000 era... I remembered a new cYber fReN asKin me aLL
0f th0se thinGs ReCeNtLy... aNd mY aNsWeRed is Like This " life??
excited for 2008, w0rk = waiting for SQ interview tomorrow, love = zero"
yea, lets taLk ab0ut life... Life is a stRuGGLe.. Life is a j0uRneY
bf0re I ReaCh mY fiNish LiNe... LiFe is a cHaNce and Life oso a cho0se
f0r eVeRy iNdividuaL, a cho0se 0f *i h0pe* da rite path between many
paths t0 keep in da traCk... I mite have a right t0 say dat i've been
thru a LIFE... Experienced aLL da heaRtache,tRauMatic, iNfideLitY *even
in a fRenship*, m0ckin fr0m sum ppl, wiLd nite life *but n0t dat wiLd*,
tRaGedY, deSpaiRs, meNtaL abuSe, huMiLiati0N, being da laSt 0pti0n, and
alm0st all da bad thinGs in Life untiL da tRiuMph expeRieNce th0u i
havent c0mpleted all 0f da triumph experience since i just begun it wif
HIM... th0se are da things which make a free spirited ME, fragiLe ME,
brave n str0nger ME, iNdePendeNt ME, huMbLe ME, PuNctuaL ME, aSSeRtiVe
ME, witty and aDaptabLe ME, aNd n0t t0 MeNti0n aLL mY naKed thinGs in
fr0nt 0f HIM.
Bec0me 25 at da eNd 0f last 2007, had made me tRembLin
f0r a whiLe of yunno, w0t ppl caLLed 'a quaRteR LiFe cRisis' But the
fact is, it is n0t dat c0mplicated but it is 0s0 n0t eaSy.. 0redy make
s0me c0mmitmeNts f0r LiFe aNd leaRnin' t0 see things fr0m diffeRent
siDe..a ReaLitY cHecK i GueSs.. U mIte never lo0se w0t u d0nt ReaLLy
Have, but u mIte gaIn thinGs dat u neveR reaLLy th0ught 0f.. Just keep
in miNd dat there's aLwaYs a PrIce t0 PaY f0r sumthin PRecIous...
the above paragraphs are just a cut from the whole piece (quite a long
piece, by the way). But it's enough to show what I'm trying to express
here. Out of annoyance and curiosity, I managed to finish reading the
whole post. Trying to really understand what her points were through all
the misspellings (ReMinIcInG), lousy slangs and lingos (oso, w0t), bad grammars (Life oso a cho0se f0r eVeRy iNdividuaL),
and - the worst part of all - the combination of alphabets and numbers,
plus the misuse of uppercase and lowercase used in the writings (no
need for any example, you've seen it clearly).
It was posted on a
friend's page as her thoughts for the day or some sort of reflection.
And I know that she was clearly trying to say something serious. But,
I mean, for gawd's sake, why would anyone want to go
through the hassle of typing such sentences? I'm lost! And hellooooo...
Didn't you notice that it's not easy to be read? It's a
pain-in-the-arse! It is not cool. It is nowhere near cute. And it makes you look St0oPid.. uhm sorry, I mean stupid.
please, do yourself a favor. Write normally. Unless you're on SMS,
which doesn't allow for such long and proper writing. Or unless you're
chatting online on instant messengers, then it could be forgiven in a
way - but just for the slangs and lingos, not the alphabets/numbers and uppercase/lowercase combo. Not ever.
than that, if you want to post a piece of your mind to be seen (and
read) by the whole world wide web, then write normally and properly.
People would take you (more) seriously, you'll get your messages
straight across. Plus, you'll look smarter and cooler. Grammar and
spelling mistakes aside, as they're not my biggest issue here. But if
you have time to write in such manner then I assume you'd have all the
time in the world to work on them. It's for your own good. I've made the
same mistakes in the past and that's why I'm working on it too (the
slangs, lingos, grammars, and spellings - not the dreaded combo).
Because I wanted to improve. And not look like some sort of a stupid
teenager with no access to proper education.
Okay, so am I officially a bitch now for bitching about this?