Friday, March 28, 2008

Abang Tukang Bakso, Mari-Mari Sini...

Di suatu siang yang panas terik, terlihat dua orang wanita pekerja yang fashionable (ciyeh) sedang duduk-duduk santai di sebuah gerai kopi internasional di sekitar gedung perkantoran di Kuningan. Ceritanya sih, 'melarikan diri' dari kantor saat jam makan siang heheheh... Lalu mengalirlah pembicaraan ngalor-ngidul super nggak penting di antara keduanya.

Wanita pertama (yang manis dan cute as a button):
"Jodoh itu seperti tukang bakso."

Wanita kedua (yang cukup manis juga walaupun nggak cute as a button):
"He? Lucu banget perumpamaannya. Kenapa?"

Wanita pertama:
"Iya. Jodoh itu seperti tukang bakso. Dicari nggak pernah lewat, giliran nggak dicari malah lewat melulu. Pas lagi hawa dingin-dingin, ngidam banget makan bakso kuah yang hangat-hangat, ditunggui kagak lewat-lewat. Sekalinya hawa lagi panas-panas edan, eh bisa banyak banget yang lewat sama gerobaknya."

Wanita kedua:
"Hueheheheh... bener juga ye, bok.."

Wanita pertama:
"Sama kayak jodoh. Kalo lo nyari-nyari, nggak bakalan dapet. Kalo pas lo lagi cuek banget, nggak mikirin sama sekali, eh pada dateng, malah kadang nggak cuman satu orang aja."

Wanita kedua:
"Huahahaha..! Sumpah, bok, keren abis. Perumpamaan lo ini harus gue post di blog gue hari ini."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Skinny Obsession

I have to admit, there was a time when I was very obsessed with my weight/shape. Though my obsession never led me anywhere near that ‘perfection’.

Back when I was a younger, I never really had an issue with my weight – despite being called fatty at home and was told not to snack or being denied of second helpings during mealtimes. I couldn’t care less. I was a relatively skinny girl when I was in primary school, and I gained a bit of weight on the way to secondary school. 

Then I went for a two weeks holiday trip to U.S.A. with my sister and grandparents. All we did in that tour were just sit, sleep (inside the bus), and eat – mostly in those fat-and-carb-loaded American buffets. Needless to say, I gained a (very) significant amount of weight during that short time. By the time I came back to Jakarta, I've put in an additional 6 kg. 

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Guys vs Presents

I couldn't agree more. It is really hard to shop for a guy's present -- at least based on my experience. Any kind of presents, be it Valentine's (if you're celebrating -- if not then that's better) or just a simple birthday present.

Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated. As long as you don't include high-end high-tech gadgets or cars. Hahah.. =)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Perfectly Imperfect

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

That’s what some people say. But in this ever so superficial world that we live in, I wonder if people still believe in that. Why the skeptical thought, you may say? Well, let’s just say that I’ve lived through the experience of being the ugly duckling – literally.

First, let’s define beauty, shall we? For women, I believe it is mostly about flawless porcelain skin, slim figure, long legs, flat abs, big booty, and the perfectly sculpted facial features. At least that’s what the media is feeding us from time to time.

OK, body images may change throughout time. There was a time when healthy figures were popular (remember Marilyn Monroe?). But I grew up in the era of the supermodels (Cindy, Naomi, Claudia, Christie, Helena, etc.), when slim and lean body was considered as the ideal shape. And it gets even worse now, when models get skinnier and sickly – and size 0 is considered the ideal size.