Here’s some random interesting facts I’ve gotten to know quite recently,
over a few course of conversations with a few interesting characters..
Indonesia’s spy agency is actually listed as one of the top 10 best spy agencies in the world. I forgot the exact rank. But if I’m not mistaken, we’re on the top 5 (Number one is of course Mossad). Wow.. I was really surprised when my friend – who’s a military freak – told me that. I mean, who would’ve thought?
‘Tara’ means star (from Sanskrit I think, or maybe Hindi, not sure..). Beautiful option for a name, which a friend of mine used for his pretty little daughter.
History crash-course! Islam was actually brought into our country by Chinese (via The Silk Road). And the Wali Songo are Chinese (well, at least half of them). Wow.. turned out we brought in something more than just noodles and wontons, huh?
The thing about 9/11 conspiracy theory. That the whole deal was actually a world-wide conspiracy to make the world ‘unite’ to fight (terrorism) together, led by – of course – the so-called Superpower country. That this whole thing about fighting terrorism was just a cooked-up scenario to make, again, that so-called Superpower country as the hero and the one with the power to – what? – save the world? Rule the world? Well, not that I really care about all this political nonsense. But one thing I’m sure of, even a mule is smarter than Bush.
If, by all luck, you happen to run into a shark while you were diving, find the nearest coral reef and just cling onto the wall. This will ‘disguise’ you in a way and the shark won’t be able to distinguish you from the reefs. And sharks usually circle around their prey first before attacking, so when you’re attached to the reef they can’t really practice this art-of-war they have. Thus, you will emerge from the water in one piece rather than in bits and pieces.
According to my ‘Zodiac Love Doctor’ (Yes, Mr. P, that’s you!) – who thinks that everything is “Kampret!” lately (hahahah.. Oops! ;P), Taurus and Virgos are faithful (oh yeah, that’s us! High five!), Pisces are emotional artists, Geminis are flirters, and Sagittarians always have a back-up plan. Hmmm… I think I could agree with that last statement..
Drinking Dettol (or is it porcelain cleaner? I kind of forgot..) won’t make you have a seizure attack and produce white foams from your mouth. Instead, it’ll clean out your digestion system – thoroughly. Your intestines will be squeaky clean, colon-wash would be an old fad. Tried and tested by a friend of mine – accidentally of course. *LOL*
Boys and girls, please don’t try this at home. Even though you’re in desperate need to lose weight or to do a colon detox. (Heck, even I was tempted! >,<”)
Some people are just absurd. Add in some special ingredients, and it gets even more (hysterically) funny. A friend of mine – who was born n raised in south Jakarta – once went out to a nightclub near an amusement park in north Jakarta. There he saw a middle-aged Chinese guy (a.k.a. encek2x) – who was high on e – dancing around in a tank/singlet, holding and waving around a pair of chopsticks like he was a member of Safri Duo playing invisible drums in the air.. I could imagine the absurdity of the scene, and the funny look on my friend’s face! Not a common thing to be found in the southern disco scene.. *LOL*
All this I ‘discovered’, either over a plate of malaya chicken+fried rice at Jl. Lombok, over a glass of Kir Royale at a fancy club, over a glass of coffee and chocolate sorbet, over driving around the city in the car, over a few glasses of Sangria, or just over a box of that yummy black noodle at KemFest. Ah yes, good food (and drinks) goes very well with good conversations and good companies. And often, it’s the company and the conversation that made the food and drink tastes better. Whichever, they’re quite inseparable.
And it’s always exciting to discover new things. Things that are interesting, funny, weird, insightful, shocking, or even absurd. The things I could never find out, if only I didn’t get in touch with the wonderful people who came across my path. These conversations and these wonderful people, are what adds the sugar and spices to my life and made this seemingly bitter life tastes better.
Little wonders does make me wonder... And life is not always that “Kampret!” ;)
Now, I wonder if that Safri Duo wannabe has picked up a new invisible instrument…
Indonesia’s spy agency is actually listed as one of the top 10 best spy agencies in the world. I forgot the exact rank. But if I’m not mistaken, we’re on the top 5 (Number one is of course Mossad). Wow.. I was really surprised when my friend – who’s a military freak – told me that. I mean, who would’ve thought?
‘Tara’ means star (from Sanskrit I think, or maybe Hindi, not sure..). Beautiful option for a name, which a friend of mine used for his pretty little daughter.
History crash-course! Islam was actually brought into our country by Chinese (via The Silk Road). And the Wali Songo are Chinese (well, at least half of them). Wow.. turned out we brought in something more than just noodles and wontons, huh?
The thing about 9/11 conspiracy theory. That the whole deal was actually a world-wide conspiracy to make the world ‘unite’ to fight (terrorism) together, led by – of course – the so-called Superpower country. That this whole thing about fighting terrorism was just a cooked-up scenario to make, again, that so-called Superpower country as the hero and the one with the power to – what? – save the world? Rule the world? Well, not that I really care about all this political nonsense. But one thing I’m sure of, even a mule is smarter than Bush.
If, by all luck, you happen to run into a shark while you were diving, find the nearest coral reef and just cling onto the wall. This will ‘disguise’ you in a way and the shark won’t be able to distinguish you from the reefs. And sharks usually circle around their prey first before attacking, so when you’re attached to the reef they can’t really practice this art-of-war they have. Thus, you will emerge from the water in one piece rather than in bits and pieces.
According to my ‘Zodiac Love Doctor’ (Yes, Mr. P, that’s you!) – who thinks that everything is “Kampret!” lately (hahahah.. Oops! ;P), Taurus and Virgos are faithful (oh yeah, that’s us! High five!), Pisces are emotional artists, Geminis are flirters, and Sagittarians always have a back-up plan. Hmmm… I think I could agree with that last statement..
Drinking Dettol (or is it porcelain cleaner? I kind of forgot..) won’t make you have a seizure attack and produce white foams from your mouth. Instead, it’ll clean out your digestion system – thoroughly. Your intestines will be squeaky clean, colon-wash would be an old fad. Tried and tested by a friend of mine – accidentally of course. *LOL*
Boys and girls, please don’t try this at home. Even though you’re in desperate need to lose weight or to do a colon detox. (Heck, even I was tempted! >,<”)
Some people are just absurd. Add in some special ingredients, and it gets even more (hysterically) funny. A friend of mine – who was born n raised in south Jakarta – once went out to a nightclub near an amusement park in north Jakarta. There he saw a middle-aged Chinese guy (a.k.a. encek2x) – who was high on e – dancing around in a tank/singlet, holding and waving around a pair of chopsticks like he was a member of Safri Duo playing invisible drums in the air.. I could imagine the absurdity of the scene, and the funny look on my friend’s face! Not a common thing to be found in the southern disco scene.. *LOL*
All this I ‘discovered’, either over a plate of malaya chicken+fried rice at Jl. Lombok, over a glass of Kir Royale at a fancy club, over a glass of coffee and chocolate sorbet, over driving around the city in the car, over a few glasses of Sangria, or just over a box of that yummy black noodle at KemFest. Ah yes, good food (and drinks) goes very well with good conversations and good companies. And often, it’s the company and the conversation that made the food and drink tastes better. Whichever, they’re quite inseparable.
And it’s always exciting to discover new things. Things that are interesting, funny, weird, insightful, shocking, or even absurd. The things I could never find out, if only I didn’t get in touch with the wonderful people who came across my path. These conversations and these wonderful people, are what adds the sugar and spices to my life and made this seemingly bitter life tastes better.
Little wonders does make me wonder... And life is not always that “Kampret!” ;)
Now, I wonder if that Safri Duo wannabe has picked up a new invisible instrument…
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