What is the difference between need and want?
Need is something that we should have – it is based on necessity. Want is something we think we should have – it is based on desire.
For instance, I need :
1. A job – a good (and fun) job that allows me to give my full potentials and at the same time develops it to a new level, or maybe unfold the hidden potentials in me. Sounds too perfect? You bet.
2. An external hard disk – a big one, say, like 80GB (at least), to store all my files and leave my iBook’s almost-full-hard-disk more space in order to work more efficiently. It’s littered mainly with music files, movies, and pictures and is taking forever to render just one frikkin’ .psd file.
3. A digital camera – just a simple one, like Canon A3 or A4 powershot. I lost my Sony while traveling in Hong Kong and haven’t been able to document a lot of silly, absurd, and nonsensical aspects of my life since. No, I don’t see taking loads of pictures as being narcissistic. In fact, I used to hate the camera. But now, I see it as a way to freeze-hold memories (what I’ve done, where I’ve been, what I’ve seen), however artificial it may seem. Human brain won’t work the same forever and, sooner or later, it’ll lose its capabilities to hold memories.
4. Speedy, or cable, or wifi – whatever form of fast internet connection that would allow me to stay online as much as I want to, download anything I want, and not get a fat bill at the end of the month. Curse this dialup of mine – sheesh!
5. A device that would eliminate all mosquitoes from the face of earth – I’ve been attacked by a mob of them these past few weeks and just couldn’t stand it anymore. My nights consisted of practicing martial-arts-like moves to kill these blood-suckers, but it seems that everytime I managed to kill one, there seems to be more. ‘Mati satu tumbuh seribu.’, huh!?
And, on the other hand, I want :
1. A pair of red patent slingback high heels – just like the ones I found at Charles&Keith. They’re not as high as the ones that I originally wanted from VNC (out of stock everywhere already =( ), but they’ll manage. It’ll make you look effortlessly sexy and just add the zest to any casual outfit. Va va voom in an instant. I’ve been dying to get a pair of red heels to wear with denims since forever but haven’t been able to find a good pair. This ones’ not bad, if only they made it a bit higher..
2. A pair of black flat shoes / ballerina shoes – they’re the basics but I don’t have any, all because of the same reason, more or less, as above. Blah.. and the ones I like from Nina are sold out already.
3. A pair of gold pumps that I saw at VNC – again, a basic that I don’t have. Perfect for that stylish night outs with dark denims and a sexy top.
4. That cute pair of yellow flat shoes from Calliope that I saw at Centro last time – it’s soo cute, I just have to have them! It’ll go really really well with denims and casual white tee. Or with a cute sundress for that summer feeling. They’re sold for only Rp. 189K, not that expensive.. Hmm.. I’m just too tempted!
5. That vermillion balloon dress with magenta embroideries, empire waistline and side pockets from Laundry by Shelly Segal – I saw it and almost got it a few days ago but decided not to on the last second because I thought the price was a bit too much. But now I kept thinking about the damn dress! Eventhough I’ve gotten myself an ultra cool bright green BCBG dress that night. *Sigh…* Oh well, it’s just not fated..
6. A digital perm – It’s been around 1,5 years since I last permed my hair. Got my new haircut, now I just need to re-perm, for the sake of creating more volume.
7. The new Harry Potter book – yeah, I haven’t purchased it! I have to read it immediately before someone gave me a spoiler! >.<”
8. Nigella Lawson’s The Domestic Goddess cookbook – heavenly homey simple recipes from the domestic goddess herself. Love her show so much!
9. All of Paulo Coelho’s books that I haven’t purchased – starting with Manual of The Warrior of Lights, Eleven Minutes, and The Devil and Miss Prim.
10. The War Photographer DVD – couldn’t find this movie anywhere now, unless of course, I buy the original.. =’(
11. Chuck Palahniuk’s Lullaby and Choke – I’ve been curious to read his work ever since I watched The Fight Club. I mean, a person’s gotta be insane to be able to produce such work.
12. Like Water for Chocolate DVD – I love the book so much that I just have to see the movie.
13. A pair of black skinny jeans – I’ve already got the dark denim wash and the grey one, now I just need to, ahem.. I mean, have to complete my already-too-full wardrobe with the basic black.
14. A long sweater – to wear with those skinnies, big belt, and heels. Saw a few good ones at Ciel and ChicSimple.
15. A pair of big shades with white frame – couldn’t find any good ones so far.
16. Colorful stockings and leggings to wear with my midi tops and dresses.
17. More books…
18. More clothes…
19. More shoes…
20. … =P
Well, the list could go on and on..
Conclusion? I’m just human, with a few needs but a lot of desires. But sometimes we want something so much that it becomes a need. I think now I need that pair of red stilettos. Hahah..
And why am I posting this lame piece again? Well, I’m just giving hints to a few friends for my upcoming *cough*birthday*cough*. LOL.. ;) Nah, just killing time.. My electricity just died a while ago and I’m in pitch black. Plus, it’s raining outside. And here I am, alone, with my thoughts and Moby – and a few frikkin’ mosquitoes!

Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): need·ed; need·ing; needs or (auxiliary) need
intransitive verb
1 : to be needful or necessary; 2 : to be in want
Function: noun
1 : necessary duty (Obligation); 2 a : a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful b : a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism; 3 : a condition requiring supply or relief; 4 : lack of the means of subsistence (Poverty).
Function: verb
intransitive verb
1 : to be needy or destitute; 2 : to have or feel need wants for friends>; 3 : to be necessary or needed; 4 : to desire to come, go, or be wants in> <wants out of the deal>
Function: noun
1 a : (Deficiency, Lack) want of good sense> b : grave and extreme poverty that deprives one of the necessities of life; 2 : something wanted (Need, Desire); 3 : personal defect (Fault)
Need is something that we should have – it is based on necessity. Want is something we think we should have – it is based on desire.
For instance, I need :
1. A job – a good (and fun) job that allows me to give my full potentials and at the same time develops it to a new level, or maybe unfold the hidden potentials in me. Sounds too perfect? You bet.
2. An external hard disk – a big one, say, like 80GB (at least), to store all my files and leave my iBook’s almost-full-hard-disk more space in order to work more efficiently. It’s littered mainly with music files, movies, and pictures and is taking forever to render just one frikkin’ .psd file.
3. A digital camera – just a simple one, like Canon A3 or A4 powershot. I lost my Sony while traveling in Hong Kong and haven’t been able to document a lot of silly, absurd, and nonsensical aspects of my life since. No, I don’t see taking loads of pictures as being narcissistic. In fact, I used to hate the camera. But now, I see it as a way to freeze-hold memories (what I’ve done, where I’ve been, what I’ve seen), however artificial it may seem. Human brain won’t work the same forever and, sooner or later, it’ll lose its capabilities to hold memories.
4. Speedy, or cable, or wifi – whatever form of fast internet connection that would allow me to stay online as much as I want to, download anything I want, and not get a fat bill at the end of the month. Curse this dialup of mine – sheesh!
5. A device that would eliminate all mosquitoes from the face of earth – I’ve been attacked by a mob of them these past few weeks and just couldn’t stand it anymore. My nights consisted of practicing martial-arts-like moves to kill these blood-suckers, but it seems that everytime I managed to kill one, there seems to be more. ‘Mati satu tumbuh seribu.’, huh!?
And, on the other hand, I want :
1. A pair of red patent slingback high heels – just like the ones I found at Charles&Keith. They’re not as high as the ones that I originally wanted from VNC (out of stock everywhere already =( ), but they’ll manage. It’ll make you look effortlessly sexy and just add the zest to any casual outfit. Va va voom in an instant. I’ve been dying to get a pair of red heels to wear with denims since forever but haven’t been able to find a good pair. This ones’ not bad, if only they made it a bit higher..
2. A pair of black flat shoes / ballerina shoes – they’re the basics but I don’t have any, all because of the same reason, more or less, as above. Blah.. and the ones I like from Nina are sold out already.
3. A pair of gold pumps that I saw at VNC – again, a basic that I don’t have. Perfect for that stylish night outs with dark denims and a sexy top.
4. That cute pair of yellow flat shoes from Calliope that I saw at Centro last time – it’s soo cute, I just have to have them! It’ll go really really well with denims and casual white tee. Or with a cute sundress for that summer feeling. They’re sold for only Rp. 189K, not that expensive.. Hmm.. I’m just too tempted!
5. That vermillion balloon dress with magenta embroideries, empire waistline and side pockets from Laundry by Shelly Segal – I saw it and almost got it a few days ago but decided not to on the last second because I thought the price was a bit too much. But now I kept thinking about the damn dress! Eventhough I’ve gotten myself an ultra cool bright green BCBG dress that night. *Sigh…* Oh well, it’s just not fated..
6. A digital perm – It’s been around 1,5 years since I last permed my hair. Got my new haircut, now I just need to re-perm, for the sake of creating more volume.
7. The new Harry Potter book – yeah, I haven’t purchased it! I have to read it immediately before someone gave me a spoiler! >.<”
8. Nigella Lawson’s The Domestic Goddess cookbook – heavenly homey simple recipes from the domestic goddess herself. Love her show so much!
9. All of Paulo Coelho’s books that I haven’t purchased – starting with Manual of The Warrior of Lights, Eleven Minutes, and The Devil and Miss Prim.
10. The War Photographer DVD – couldn’t find this movie anywhere now, unless of course, I buy the original.. =’(
11. Chuck Palahniuk’s Lullaby and Choke – I’ve been curious to read his work ever since I watched The Fight Club. I mean, a person’s gotta be insane to be able to produce such work.
12. Like Water for Chocolate DVD – I love the book so much that I just have to see the movie.
13. A pair of black skinny jeans – I’ve already got the dark denim wash and the grey one, now I just need to, ahem.. I mean, have to complete my already-too-full wardrobe with the basic black.
14. A long sweater – to wear with those skinnies, big belt, and heels. Saw a few good ones at Ciel and ChicSimple.
15. A pair of big shades with white frame – couldn’t find any good ones so far.
16. Colorful stockings and leggings to wear with my midi tops and dresses.
17. More books…
18. More clothes…
19. More shoes…
20. … =P
Well, the list could go on and on..
Conclusion? I’m just human, with a few needs but a lot of desires. But sometimes we want something so much that it becomes a need. I think now I need that pair of red stilettos. Hahah..
And why am I posting this lame piece again? Well, I’m just giving hints to a few friends for my upcoming *cough*birthday*cough*. LOL.. ;) Nah, just killing time.. My electricity just died a while ago and I’m in pitch black. Plus, it’s raining outside. And here I am, alone, with my thoughts and Moby – and a few frikkin’ mosquitoes!
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): need·ed; need·ing; needs or (auxiliary) need
intransitive verb
1 : to be needful or necessary; 2 : to be in want
Function: noun
1 : necessary duty (Obligation); 2 a : a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful b : a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism; 3 : a condition requiring supply or relief; 4 : lack of the means of subsistence (Poverty).
Function: verb
intransitive verb
1 : to be needy or destitute; 2 : to have or feel need wants for friends>; 3 : to be necessary or needed; 4 : to desire to come, go, or be wants in> <wants out of the deal>
Function: noun
1 a : (Deficiency, Lack) want of good sense> b : grave and extreme poverty that deprives one of the necessities of life; 2 : something wanted (Need, Desire); 3 : personal defect (Fault)
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